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Contact details...

When you email us your information is stored in our secure Gmail inbox. This gmail inbox is accessed only by The Canine Consultants (Emma, Ned or Steph).

We will only use that information to contact you in relation to your query or to seek permission to share relevant info with a third party, for example a vet or other canine practitioner.
We do not use or gather clients or potential clients contact information for marketing purposes. It probably makes us bad at business but we feel it also makes us less irritating. If you want us, ask!

We may move your contact details such as a physical address to our mobile phones so we can get to your home - again we only do this when you want us to visit you and not for marketing purposes.

If you wish us to delete any of your contact details just ask, we are happy to do so - you can write to us at The Canine Consultants 16 Mountbatten Road, Malvern, WORCS, WR14 2YD or use our contact form.

We do need to keep some record of our business interaction for tax purposes.


Payment details...

We only take payment in cash or via Paypal or BACS.

As such your payment details are stored by our bank or Paypal as per their normal terms and conditions.

Details about you and your dog...

When you send us a biography or completed pre consult form, that information is stored on our PC and within our email inbox.
We keep that information permanently as a record of the work we have completed for our Continued Professional Development, however this information is not shared without your prior permission (we will come and ask you) and if you would prefer we removed identifying or personal contact details please ask, we are happy to do so.

Where is my data stored?

Your data is stored in the UK and in the case of Gmail and Paypal, in the US.

Your Data & What We Do With It...

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